Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Quilt :: Burger Records Tape

Quilt ::
Cowboys in the Void Cassette Tape
March 1st 2011
Burger Records

Click here to hold this.

A new release from Quilt in the form of a cassette tape came out on Burger Records in California. Although it's a 'cassingle,' it's long enough to be considered an EP. The group just posted the whole thing for download on their bandcamp, which now includes "The Silver Stairs of Ketchikan" and "Children of the Light." The vocals are more in the forefront than any other release and it gives their vivid drone psychedelics a 60's infusion. There's a bunch of bands that last line could put into your head, but their triple harmonies even come to conjure Simon & Garfunkel. A good quote from Jenn Pelly at pellytwins.blogspot.com: "At a moment when so much underground psych is focused on synthesizers and electronic vibes, Quilt’s organic, vocal-heavy psych-rock is uplifting."

The cassingle was recorded with Jesse Gallagher in Cambridge in 2010 and pressed in a run of 300. I checked out Burger Record's website, because it seemed odd for an east coast based band to release something on the other side of the country. The label's got a lot of other great artists that are worth checking out.

For the past couple of years Quilt have been playing lots of shows, touring, and releasing things pretty frequently. Read about Liz Pelly's odyssey with the band on the road to sxsw via the Boston Phoenix. There are tons of live videos and surprises::
Day 1 - Philly
Day 2 - Fredericksburg
Day 3 - Asheville
Days 4 & 5 - Memphis and Denton

Let's hope that their first full length will be out soon. Rumor has it that Mexican Summer might release something soon, but no official word yet.